A Results-Driven Communications Strategy: The Right Message to the Right Audience

Frustrated by the clutter of “business speak?” There’s a better way, through clear, understandable medical and business narratives that drive success for new and emerging healthcare brands like yours.If you are like most start-ups, you probably don’t have the in-house communication expertise to determine the best course of action for your organization to tell its story to key stakeholders. What do you need to say? Which communication tactics should you be deploying? Which communication channels are the right ones for you? What differentiates your brand from another?Without knowledge of communications or the understanding of its business impact, it can be difficult to reach your audience and build a market. Yes, that’s right – communications have a business and financial impact on your organization.Today, more than 627,000 new small businesses are formed each year --– and 90% of them will fail. According to the Small Business Association (SBA), some of the main reasons for failure are:

  • Failing to attract investors

  • Not understanding your market

  • Bad partners or vendors

  • Poor marketing

The reasons above have a common thread that, at least partially, is attributed to the company story and its communication. After all, if potential investors don’t see a compelling opportunity, they won’t invest. If your target customer doesn’t see the value of your product, they won’t buy it. And if the best partners and vendors on the market don’t understand what you are doing or don’t think you are a viable partner, they won’t work with you. Your story is important currency as you build your business, therefore you need to invest in it as part of your growth strategy.Developing a story for a complex technology can be daunting. Complex doesn’t have to be complicated, but it will take some effort. It starts with an intentional thought-out narrative. Without a clear story of who you are and what you do, potential clients, investors and partners will not be able to understand the benefits of your service or product.I have spent years helping organizations of all sizes build their story, complete with a roadmap to a successful, intentional communications strategy that includes:

  • Who you are – in one sentence

  • Core Story- why you exist and why the world needs you now

  • Goals – Effective communications should always support business priorities

  • Audience -- Who do you need to reach and why

  • Channels – Define the channels that work best for your audiences

  • Message – What you need to say and what your audience needs to hear

A well-defined narrative provides a clear direction for any and all communication you may need. The roadmap makes clear what you need to do to build confidence, trust and intent with your target audiences.